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Python Programming

Learn to Code in Python

Python is one of the most trending programming language, It is an High-level, General purpose programming language. Python serves in the field of Software development, game development, web applications development and mostly in the trending fields of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence.


Why one Should Learn it

Python is facilitating in all the modern fields of computing, but if someone is particularly interested in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science than one should go for it. 

For other fields like Web application development and Software Development I always recommend to chose C#.NET or Java.

Note: it is a pure Python Course we will not cover python relevant web or any application development framework in it.

By the end of this course, You will be able to. .

    • Develop and debug python programs with confidence.
    • Trouble shoot Programming errors
    • Solve programming problems
    • Apply todays best programming practices.
    • Apply OOP in python
    • Get ready to learn python relevant different technologies.
Duration : 02 Months
Per Class : 1.5Hr
Platform : On Campus & Online
Support : WhatsApp
Recorded Lectures : Available